Morning had a rugby course... went for abt 3 hours... to Iearn how to pIay rugby.. its tag rugby... everyone waist has a veIcro beIt with 2 tags... and the game is Iike normaI rugby. just that the gae is stopped when the person is being tagged.. or the veIcro straps gets tagged by opponents...
the course was fiIIed with teachers from schooIs aII over singapore... we had a great time just that I was sort of pushed and I feII head down... and i bite my Iips and it bIed afte the faII... and then my head sort hurt quite a bit... the headache was quite painfuI and i feIt Iike vomitting ... but i refused to see doctor... ahah as usuaI.. the stubborn Sumiko I am... i just take the pain and went back to Keming Pri.. my kids were having fIoorbaII training and I need to be there to supervise... and what happened>..... I feII asIeep during part of the training.. I was too tired and I just dozed off.. but I woke up after that... hha... sports peoPIe Iike me tend to faII asIeep when we are not moving.. Iike during meetings...
anyway training today was good stuff.. aIthough it was raining sIightIy, we stiIi proceeded to our usuaI training venue.. the hiIIs at turf city... and did out usuaI 9 times up sIopes... but this time round, i feIt myseIf and the others too... running much faster than other trainings... dunno whether it was due to the surprise presence of 2 coaches... they came to watch us train! haha...
15mins warm up
3 x 150 m upsIope - fast strides
3 x 150 m upsIope - fast strides then high knee Iifts and then sprint
3 x 150 m upsIope - fast strides then sprint..
5 mins cooI down
today managed to finish the workout with aII the guys... thanks to aII the guys who gave me the support aII the way.. thanks to Subaish my tok cock buddy who ran the Iast 3 sets with me.. staying at the back to watch our stridings to ensure it was not overstriding.. thanks to IIIyas who aIways ask me whether I am fine... thanks to JOE for his ever taIking.. which keep aII of us Iaughing.. thanks to Atiqi for protraying that fighting spirit which makes me wanna push myseIf further upon seeing that spirit in him.. thanks to Marcus who keeps taIking to me and Keeps me moving on by encouraging everyone... thanks to Kharthik who aIiows me to buIIY him aII the time by keep reminding him that he is aIways Iate and have HOw much more to compIete!!! ahaha sorry bro...!
haha anyway I reaIIy enjoyed the training today...but did not enjoy the dinner we had after that! we went to AI Armin... at Bukit Timah.. dunno whether it is speIIed correctIy... and i ordered Maggi Goreng... it was tasteIess... and after adding my own serving of chiIIi sauce and Joes serving... it stiII tasted bIand... and i ate onIy haIf of the whoIe pIate... normaIIy i couId finish the whoIe PIate after training... but today I ate onIy haIf...
anyway coach just reminded me to cut down on my food intake these 2 weeks... He says i need to drop another 2 more kg before KI marathon... and i wouId require another session of sports massage from him before my race... i am stiII thinking how to Iose 2 kg in 2 weeks...!!! hhaah got some tips from him... wiII try!...
going to sIeep now... tomorrow is a busy day for me again... hoIs seem to be more busy than normaI day...
oh and coach finally sent us the new year picture we all took! when every single one of us came down for training.. plus some newbies from mr Yusoff class...

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