Friday, September 18, 2009

There are a lot of theories, practical skills and lots more indepth stuff to learn in Basketball. I must admit I am not good at ball handling games, neither am I good at Team play... Maybe it was due to all the years having to compete in individual sports such as swimming and running... I have never really allowed myself to try games such as basketball or territorial invasion games...

however this time round, I really want to give it a shot...

And thanks to them, I managed to find the love and passion and drive to train harder for basketball:) It is not only a module, but the willingness to want to learn more about my flaws, seek improvement as well as to play better in the sport in terms of team play.

Morning 1 hour training before the lesson starts was a great warming up for us:) Appreciation goes to the group who came down super early to train together.... after the 2 hour lesson of bball, extra half and hour of training made me able to see myself improving... but all starts from basic and we all have to understand that no one is perfect...however, to make urself near to perfect, nothing else but training must come into play for a start:)

The lesson was great today, disregards all the negative stuff that happened on court and outside court, we all have a lesson to learn. However, we must understand that different people react differently to situations and you cannot expect people to behave and act like how you do:)so just take it and live with it... improvement only show when you are willing to learn:) learn from mistakes as well as correct moves:)

Morning run was easier this time round. Shin splints always occur to non regular runners, when it bounces on me, I have to live with it.No point complaining aboout it. Do what I can to make it works... And so running on grass is the best thing to do.

I am blessed with a soft hockey pitch in NIE which I can always run in the morning:) Always make full use of what you have and never complain about what you dun have, only then, you find yourself able to appreciate what life has given to you:)

Shin splint seems to be getting better... swimming works too:) going swimming at NIE now with Ah Wei...

Signed up for the NIKE HUman race guys versus Girls... still trying to figure out how to go about doing it... Ladies who have not signed up for the challenge, come on and join in, give the guys a good fight!!!

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