Saturday, June 14, 2008



training at SP ...supposed to do 5 sets of 1km with 2min rest... supposed to do at 4:15min...

it was SUPPOSED to be an easy workout...

Fab and me started training at 530pm.. sun still up...

I finished 4 sets struggling... first time i felt i could not finish the last set... Fab was pushing me along.. but i just could not breathe... The cough and Phelgm was arranging themselves along my throat. It made a blockage.

I had to stop after 4th set... could not do the 5th set. Felt super demoralised. But what to do? Sick for more than 2 weeks.

Morale of the story: Cough takes a long time to heal.... you can't push your body when it is not responding. It will only show you :revenge, Stop training....

After that went to NCAP course with Fab and then we went to his RedXtreme BBQ at Tanah Merah. Bought lots of food for the kids... I even peeled all the rambutans for the kids... while Fab was briefing them!.... these kids are really adorable!

Junko is officially in RedXtreme now. Feel happy for her now. She sees herself improving and striving for the better. She has made new friends. And for the first time in her life, she is given a t-shirt with a club's name... she was so proud of it.

and I am so proud of her. work hard girl.


slept till 12pm... woke up, coaching at the Linear from 2-3pm, then at Second avenue from 3.30pm to 6pm and then walked to HCJC for another 2 hours session till 830pm...

was so tired... met Fab for dinner and viewing of shoes at Vivocity... had to view shoes for my track and field students... went home...


meeting the usual training partner Fabian Williams at 530a.m. to go CCAB for a 2.5 hours run.. dunno how i am going to go thru it... but i will try... 2.5hours on the track... its going to be super boring man... but I got the Ultra Marathon Champion there to run 1 hour with me and the last 1/2 hour with me after his coaching.... way to go bro... thanks!

sleeping time...

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