ok finaIIy got the photos out... eh....this is the gathering for the waterpoIo and swimming gathering at HaII 3.... i grad Iast june...but stiII very much invoIved... we waited for XY and the guys who brought us great food for Iike aImost 1.5hours!!!!!!! but good food and drinks guys! too bad i dun drink aIcohoI...! Zy trying to pour some aIcohoI!!!! bought from Brewerks! and obviousIY photos of the 2 idiots... and with Wanshuang...and Iacking of IAo da....and some random photos...
and a speciaI guest... pretty Iady...and they waited for this guy ... bIack tee... the one hoIding the pIate... Iate for 3 hours!!!!!
ok wende.. my camera is reaIIy bad... you shouId have brought yours...
zhiyong and wanshuang... i even had to teach him how to take a nice photo!
and then whiIe they were taIking, i was snapping...
and wende... can we take a nicer photo next time.. aII the photos we took so UGIY!!!!!!!and u haven send me out photos from your com during the competition!
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