anyway photos of me racing during Singapore Biathlon...17th March 2007... 

then after that I took a long break from competitive racing and the next race i went was OSIM triathlon... can u imagine me ...haven trained for running.. basically just swimming only.. however the race was a disaster... heavy downpour.. I remember I came out of the water 2nd or 3rd position.. after swimming a 1.5km... then we headed off the to bike... a section which I am obviously weakest in!... We were supposed to ride for 40km.. but as we were out on our 2nd lap... the wind became stronger.. i felt myself riding against the wind, like the bike never really travelled far.. then came the heavy downpour... super duper heavy... and the event had to stop after we completed 20km... when the rain stopped, the organisers decided to restart the event. But this time round, it was different. We were asked to run 400m on the sand, pick up our bike to ride a 20km then run a 5km instead of a 10km... as expected, i cam in only 6th position.. because i basically is stronger on the swim and the run.. the 5km run was too short for me to catch up with opponents.. never mind, went home empty handed... with a super duper dirty bike... had to spend almost 1.5 hours cleaning up the bike... !
Photos of me racing on the 29th July 2007...

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