Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Singapore Marathon , a painful experience
Early in the Sunday morning.. I woke up at 3 am to do my stretching... then proceeded with having a slice of raisin bread and a banana...went to Alvin's house to catch a ride to the race starting point...
At the race starting point, I started to fear... I started to ask myself. Can i really finish this race alone.. all alone.. without training... I only knew that I have not been really training for this race... Mr Guy was expecting me to finish this race in 3:48hours or slower.. because my weekly mileage was only maximum of 25km.. I had been focussing on training my speed... yup... but worries are worries. At the starting line, I have to focus. So i took off my steps as the race started!
down 10km into the race.. I saw a familiar face.. i remembered him as one of the fastest marathon runner in Singapore ... 4-5 years back.. Ernest... I used to see him training at Tampines stadium when I was training with my first coach then... Ernest came up to me and said that he did not train for this marathon. He did not plan to go fast.. then he said .. "ok let's run together...!" haah i smiled and then just ran along... he paced me for the next 20km... he was keeping track of the timing.. he told me that we were working on a 3:4o hour pace.. I was glad though... but i knew that I had to slow down after the 15km mark... my legs were aching.. i could feel my thigh muscles moving and on the verge of cramping... I made it a point to run lightly and slowly... This slowed down my momentum. In my mind, i thought to myself... It must be due to the lack of training.. But my determination never fails me.. I always had a way to finsih the race even when My body dun allow me to do so... I pushed on... and ran... down into east coast park.. I was running relatively ok... and I saw my teammates... Mr Guy's students..they were cheering for me at the 20km mark.... and i was obviously happy.... then at the U-turn point, I told myself, I can finish this. I dun wanan walk, I dun wanna crawl back, I wanna run back. Even if i collapse, i will want to collapse after the race. Giving up any time now means giving up my myself. I told myself there are people waiting for me at the end point.. Of course..predicted that Jd would be there right after he completed his 21 km race...
and at the 32 km mark.. I was super surprised.. I saw coach.. Mr Guy.. he stood right at the 32km mark to cheer me on. I remember him saying this "ok sumiko, you have 10km more to go.. start now.." i nodded and sped off.. I felt that my legs could no longer listen to the pain but listened to my mind instead... my mind has instructed my legs to move on, dun stop... and i did... moving on.. Ernest was lagging behind because he asid he could not keep up.. I then sped off.. ironically, everytime i run a marathon... I would be speeding up only after the 30-32km mark.. funny... but maybe i need a long time for my body to warm up ahah...! yup!... I ran and ran.. and i met a caucasian who said to me "the race begins now..." ahah i laughed and replied "yeah.. the race begins right after the 32 km mark"...
at the ending point, i saw the big timer at the top... 3:44hours... i was glad.. i made it within coach's expectation ... I realised that my legs were not listening to me anymore.. it was painful and sore... really painful... I had to limp... but nevertheless i was happy enough i had finish the race...
then the unexpected happened... my friends were telling me i came in top 1o and so we waited for the results...
the board at the padang had only posted out the overall results.. which meant the women's category had only the top 20 names... and that includes all the elites... they did not post up a list of the local winners... the local winners were under the closed / singapore category...and we waited very long for the results...
after waiting long enough, i approached the information counter to check why it took them so long.. then the lady who attended to me told me they had no intention of postning the local results. then i questioned her back... "if you do not post the local results, how are the winners supposed to know whether they have won. Even the top 3 people would not have known they ae supposed to go up onto the stage to collect their prizes. AS for the 4th to 10th placing, non of the winners would have known they have gotten the prize. and you do have a notice to inform the 4th to 10th placing winners to proceed to the hotel to collect the prize from the time allocated. And what was the time? " I was super mad... Standing there not to gather info abt my results, but also was helping my other club members to gather their results. Then she said she will call up the command post to check.. she did and i say i will be back in1.5 hours after lunch...
after lunch, JD accompanied me back there.. it was already 1:30pm... and guess what. The lady who attended to me said the results were not ready.. it was already 8 hours after the race had started and the results are not ready! and she called up again to check and then the command post said they would print out soon... she asked how soon.. they did not give an answer.. by that time, the padang was almost empty.. the early finishers had gone home.. after waiting so long for the results... and because I am the assistant competition chairman of Mr 25 , i had the responsibility to wait for my team's results.. and i knew that because there was an appeal in the team event results, i had to wait... but seriously after waiting for so long, i decided to make my way home. I asked her what time is it appropriate to collect the prize at the hotel. SHE SAID 4 to 6pm.. JD heard it also...and i said ok...
i went to the hotel at 5:20pm.. only to see one friend... Lai Chee.. she went there to collect her prize money.. she was also told to collect at 4-6pm but then the officials had all went back!we called up and they said collection time was from 3-5pm.. we were shocked. And i said its ok, but I need to see the results so i can arrange the time to collect the prize money.. and guess what My name was not listed in the top 10, not to even say the top 20. I realised that the timing of the 9th and 10th position of the ladies local event was slower than mine.. and i could not even find my name listed on the top 20. Then i thought, haiz.. must be some errors.. Disappointment ran through my mind. I was not angry, but rather i felt kinda cheated.
First the person said results will be posted, it did not happen
Second, there was no way for me to check whether the results was wrong. Appeals to amend the results had to be sent in1/2 hour after results were posted. BUT BECAUSE NO RESULTS WERE POSTED<>
third, the lady asked us to be there at 4-6pm when it was actually 3-5pm.. wasted trip down by cab.
fourth, to date, after emailing the in-charge on Sunday night about this issue, I have not gotten any response or reply.
The prize money of 100 dollars imay not be as important as the timing. I need to timing to qualify for my next marathon and to get sponsorship.
To some people, winning 100 bucks is a small thing. To some people, 100 dollars is nothing. But to me its everything. It allows my sister to had her 3 meals taken care of. I cherish money very much.. to some people 10 cents seems a small amount, but to me.. it means more than everything. Because after losing someting, you learn to cherish something even more...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
prize giving ceremony...
army half marathon and open water swim

Singapore biathlon and OSIM tri

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
back after 6 months
In MAY / JUNE i graduated from National Institute of Education as a Physical Education teacher cum maths teacher..Was posted to Keming Primary school. When I entered the school, I was asked to teach English, Maths and PE.. and even other NON-core subjects. That was a difficult task for me... but I pulled through...I took over as form teacher for one of the most active P2 class... things were going on well.. though I faced many obstacles... I could not adapt quickly to the life initially because I had only 3 PE lessons per week... I felt restricted... but as time went by, I focussed more on teaching academic subects and doing admin work... that was in term ... in term 4, I took over another form teacher of another p2 class... this time, it was a quieter and more well-behaved class. Students are bright and hardworking. I had more PE lessons but taught English and Maths too. Though I was not trained in English, I tried my best to learn as I teach. The learning process was enriching and definitely something to remember. I dealed with difficult parents, demanding requests and sensitive students. This helped me to grow a lot. I learnt that not everything is as smooth sailing and not everyone's situations are similar though they may seem to come from the same background...
these 6 months I have spent time working and most importantly making time for myself. I have stepped back on training because I wanted to focus on my work. Training time was insufficient for me... but I still raced in competitions. However, my focussed this season was not to win, but to complete the race in the best effort that I can... at the best comfort that I could.
ALl this while, I must thank all those who stayed by my side, who never once left me even when I was on the verge of breaking down. Most importantly, JD who stood by me even though I had many times complained to him about my work. My sister Junko who always stood by me and listen to my numeous complaints and even lame jokes about my working life...

Now that I have stepped into another phase of my life, I hope to achieve more than what I can previously. When I look back, i realise that I have actually done many things which I should not have. But it is all past and I am moving on...I remember that I hated my life as a student in NIE. I did not have any friends.. probably just a handful to count .. because of incidents that happened in NIE... though this had affected my grades in NIE but I just take it as a lesson learnt. You cannot please everyone, please yourself and you will be happy.. whatever that has past, I would like to remember it at the back of my head...
I am thankful to coach Guy Oden for taking me up as his only female student.. his trust and hopes in me has brought me confidence in doing many things. And definitely not forgetting my new cycling coach Chung...

IF YOU WANT THE RAINBOW, YOU MUST FIRST STAND THE RAIN... no pain no gain.. just do it...
Monday, May 21, 2007
Nan Hua Primary School.. memories
and this is what they wrote on the board...
and then me and P 4B Girls.. PE class

and this is Helen and me!
and then Xian and Paul..
and finally Samuel with his gf...
ok done! we had an enjoyable time.. but i felt that I have lesser and lesser topics to talk with them.. i keep quite quiet throughout the dinner and felt really tired after that. Lucky Moa sent me back home with his car... really appreciate it. ... SOmetimes i feel that I have gone out of the circle which my ex classmates are still in. even Mao says that I have become a "no nonsense" type of girl ... someone who is serious.. probably its the earlier plunging into the working society that made me realise I have to be more alert and more serious in some manners..
Friday, May 04, 2007
and I am so happy for Lao Da, ZY and Xy... they finished their exams le! but so sad.. yesterdaY i went back to NTU to train... ran to Hall 3 to look for them... but seems that they all left hall and went out... aiyoh... they are idiots... especially Lao Da.. still leave his room lights and fan on for what... of did I happened to not see him because he is playing poker or mahjong at Tai Pan area again?
hhaa once again... I am so happy for Lao Da because he has found his love one... but then he will love me lesser now! oh no... haah Lao Da, will you still love your ah neh as much! haha aiyoh.. I think I am going mad...
haha today ZI had my last lesson observation.. the lesson went well.. but during discussion with my CT, I cried.... I felt as though I did not do a good job... as though I am a lousy teacher.. and then he mentioned that I seemed to put more effort in my maths lesson as compared to my PE lesson.. i felt kinda insulted... but then he explained his view too and i explained mine... though i got a B for that lesson... (most people get C or B).. and had improved in a lot of ways.. but then i felt that I am a perfectionalist... which my CT also felt.. he say that i should not put so much pressure on myself... everyone has a flaw... and he says he understand because of my competitive nature in sports that i demand a lot from myself... haha.. think I got to learn to take things a little lightly though...
yesterday I walked out of a class.. my only maths class 5 E... they were well behaved all along... just that yesterday we went through exam papers for the first time...and they were floating people ... talking people.... chit chatting and everything else.. and i allowed 5 students to sit on the floor to copy the answers because they claimed that they could not see from their seats.. they took advantage of that and began talking... the whole class was in a mess.. and i had a supervisor coming in to observe my lesson... even I was shocked at their behaviour.
after the supervisor left, I gave them a lashing lesson.. I was so angry with them! I perpetually called all of them to return to their seats...then one by one scold them... asked those who never bring files, wb, tb to stand up... and them gave my piece of mind... and lucky I had already covered what i need to cover during that lesson...and after scolding them, i say "i dun wish to stay in this class even a second longer, i cannot tolerate your nonsense anymore. " and i walked out... and then when i came into class today, there was total silence, then on the board was written" sorry, Miss Tan!" ... i felt like laughing... but then i controlled... ahahah... i am just a hard hearted outlook but soft hearted teacher... perhaps I should have been more stricter...
haha.... and today I am going to work from 2-5 pm! with my darling ZY.. earn some extra cash... yup... be facilitators to some china students...
see ya in a while...! i am going back to NIE for talks soon!
Monday, April 23, 2007
on Saturday, i had an interschool biathlon... I met Sunny at Clementi INterchange and he biked me down... wah he really controlled his speed of biking... reduced a lot already... i guess Angela must have taught him road safety! haha anyway both Sunny and me were not planning to push a lot for this race.. we just wanted to finish it cool and easy... and yeah he finished 1st for his category, and me too 1st for my category... guess sometimes when u have lesser pressure, u can perform better.. and i realised something, I can no longer fall in the tertiary category... must always go under open and corporate category now... think tat made me realise that I really am NO LONGER a STUDENT...and after the race Sunny biked me back to clementi..., we were carrying a lot of barang barang.. the prizes for the day... oh man.. the bike was so heavy I wonder how he every biked plus with this heavy weight me on top! skillful biker....
after that, I went to meet Junko and her friend Rachel at orchard... i introduced them this part time job, give out balloons and sell some promotion for some bottles of milk.. 7 bucks per hour.. they had to wear white hot shorts and t shirt... it was quite nice seeing them working for the first time ... yeah...and we went for our facial treatment which i had won at Tiong Bahru plaza...was painful but then the lady refused to remove my oil glands on my face.. so angry with her.. think this is some type of sales strategy, so that u will come back and buy the package again...and in the room, i took some photos...