Monday, October 02, 2006

THE PAST PICTURES... when i was FAT!

now back in hall... coughing quite badly... sad... dunno why... maybe the annual sickness I always have is coming back already!

I got nothing to do .. taking a rest while doing my social context of learning essay... so blog for a while..
this is me last year running my singapore marathon... damn eer xin!...

lets put up some photos taken during my diving trip about 3 months ago... I looked so Ah ma and fat! lucky I dun look like that now... enjoy laughing at the photos below.. FOR THOSE WHO DUN BELIEVE I WAS ONCE FAT... I SHOW U ALL! TRIXy.. DUN PUKE AH!

Now presenting photos of me damn fat running a marathon in February!....IN KL... If i ran in Singapore, I wun dare to wear until like that... show all the fats... FAT RIGHT!

OK now... a few pictures taken with my former Hostel members... Hall 7....taken in January... haha i look so black and chao da... Ugly hair me!

Then I started training with coach... this was how I looked like when I first started my training regime this year...mostly pictures of Me and DiDi... a runner from my running club

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