Met up with Sunny to have a chit chat session... realised I have lost my radiance... my skin is getting worst without enough sleep and extra exposure to sun...I should start putting sun block on my face and take good care of it now.. drink more water everyday too:)
Training today was tough... 16km run then went for Canoe training for SAFRA adventure race and went to swim and lastly went for coaching:)
coaching the NTU bi team:)i look like one of them.. except that I am their coach cum mentor cum senior cum teammate:) hahaahthanks gals and guys:)a great team:)
I am dead tired after a whole day of training.It's the first week of base trainingMorning: completed 12km in one hour at east coast.Afternoon: Kayak training for the upcoming Safra adventure race.Night: back at east coast to complete another 12km in one hour.And it was the joke of the day how we landed in Changi Airport Terminal 3 for dinner when Joe missed the exit to expo... Thanks to the so called "pacer" group.. Marcus, Aitqi and Joe:)They had great dinner Popeye Chicken which was yummy!... I remember my first visit there... just a few months back...A total of 24km in 2 hours for the first Sunday of our 8 weeks base training period.Thanks to Joe who has been kindly fetching me to and fro for training:)It's great when I have friends who care.thanks Sunny for always hearing me out.I managed to fix something back in place finally: My buddhist beads... something so precious. Visited the temple today to pray for good health for everyone around me and fixed back the one and only bracelet on my hand... love it:)
today's training was a great one.As usual, back to Woking workout again. But this time, weights increased... completed lunges with a total of 10kg on my shoulders, an increased from the usual 2.5kg.... and hand weights doubled to 5kg on each hand.Planning and review for year 2009 was great:)Went out for coaching and then roamed ard at west mall. Walked around the usual shops at pasta mania, bubble tea and etc... settled for something surprising. I bought 3 items:)
it was a notebook, a 2009 planner and a CD by a chinese singer. It has been almost 10 years since I bought a CD for myself. But the songs in this CD are really nice and I just can't help but buy it.At the shop, i met my previous swimming student. Reminded me of the days when i coached with Swim Lab. The reason why i started to coach- to have a better life for us.And the days of surprises turnout at the pool after my coaching, the life then and made me really wonder why I liked coaching swimming so much.It was because of the love for the students as well as the love for a better life for us. I dunno.. emotions filled me to the brim at that moment.I did something that I never expect myself to do: watch a movie myself.There are so many movies that I had wanted to watch but did not have the chance to : Esp Saw 5.Bukit Batok interchange had a free movie screening at an open area and it was screening the movie "Connected"... i walked past the area, walk backwards, sat down on the floor at 8pm and watched till 10pm.
Nice movie, strangers company (everyone was either sitting on the floor or on the limited seats that were available).The free movie screening will be till 24th dec... every day 8pm. I guess I will spend my Xmas eve there too:) it's great...tomorrow training will start and looking forward to a painful but yet fruitful training day:) Thanks Athlon Running
I totally dislike cars starting with SJF... it reminds me of the 3 people who took a knife each and sliced it through my heart.. causing it to bleed
Back from BBK with lots of clothings.The only training i had there was running on threadmills and doing light weights in the gym... and prob sauna.It felt like the omission of training was weird but then the treadmill was good:) I guess the music and company played a large part in it:)Thanks to those people who want to bring me down. I won't say I am perfect or I am someone who has achieved great heights.I know that I am learning and improving by the day:)For you and for me, I reflect and learn.. each and every day. An insult, a suggestion, an advice... is always part and parcel of learning.although many people who do not know me personally judge me, I thought back on the similar incident of Peishan who initially do not know me personally but heard things about me and had very bad impression about me.. haha but now,after knowing each other a higher level and hanging around together, we are great friends girl!
It's amazing how things can turn ugly when words from mouth get spread out without facts. But this is life, you can't make everybody like you.. neither can you please everyone. You just have to be respectful and answerable to yourself and the ones around u:)
but i guess those who know me stayed through with me must have reasons why they are here:)Thanks for those who are standing by me:) And thanks for those who do not know me personally but give comments about me. It helped me to learn.I am going to be a quiet girl from now. Thanks:)
I have 2 important man in my life...and those who have been following my blog will know who is one of them..Yes u are right..Sikhandar Singh aka SUnny:)Bro, good luck for your race in AUG.You know your sister here will be always supporting u wholeheartedly:)U are a star:)

bACK from Angkor wat 21kmCompleted with a PB time but was not satisfying...honestly speaking, I SHOULD be satisfied with a PB time.. considering I was off training with coach for 3 months and my fitness was not on tip top form.Throughout the 6 days there, I had bad diet... I vomitted several times after dinner because the food was just not easy on the stomach.The pre-race dinner was vomitted out too.Before the race, I had powerbar for breakfast instead of the usual raisin bread which i normally eat... a HUGE mistake...Reached the race site, went to toilet for 3 times... diahhroea...But the next huge mistake was starting out too fast.I started out at 4min 10 secs per km for the first 2km.managed to get back to pace for my next 14km.However, another huge mistake.I took a hammer jell at 16km and next few km there was no water. The water points had only water and no isotonic drinks at all.... and at 17km, my whole body shut down... it was a sudden hit ... at that point, I was leading second and the 3rd n 4th placings were pretty far away.When my body shut down, it felt as if i had HIT the wall... like its telling u to stop moving and walk, telling u to give up...I had this once before, 2005 when i ate a powerjell without water and I collapsed at the 38km mark due to heat exhaustion.So this time, I knew it was going to happen. and it did... but i managed to set my mind on thinking of someone and managed to persevere thru the race till the end pt and collapse there.For the next 30mins. I had to be carried to the first aid, cramps were everywhere, i can't control my body and I had to be on dripped. I remember insisting I do not want to be on drip in Cambodia, but i guess my teammate Fabian was distracting me with his words and they managed to inject me without me even knowing it...I did a PB... 1.37 to 1.38 hour I guess...I learnt my lesson...Never try a new diet before race, never eat something u noe u are not used to during race and take every race seriously...I am upset with the timing but then through the lesson,I learnt a lot...And I am very sure I am going to do well for the next marathon:)Thanks to joe and Natalie for asking me to put away all the negative thoughts.the race affected me a lot, negatively.. but through encouragement and beliefs... I know I can learn and move on.This is life... U learn more when U lose...and the next time, you will be a winner:)
I accept losing this race... but in every race. As coach would put it,it's when u lose that u learnt the most out of it:) i am very glad to have friends who know me who understood where I am coming out from.
It's not the position that I am upset about, it's my own attitude towards this race that I am upset with.
I should be more focus.

Winning and Losing is not everything.. learning from losing is everything