suddenly looked through my computer and found some photos from a few months ago... during my brother's hip hop performance... think i never upload it... lets see!
my brother is the captain of the Hip Hop team called White Riding Hoods in NUS... yup... i am seriously very proud of my very own brother because whatever he puts his heart in to do, he will always excel... he was a part of the national youth waterpolo team, then captain of NUS biathlon team and then now captain of hip hop team... i really think he is great!
this are a few photos of him and his friends.... the performers...

and then a few photos of my family and me... haha including Dulcia- my brother's gf... who is also a dancer.. but modern dance... this is how my family is... mad mad family as what dear says... a happy family who communicates like friends... haha
this is dulcia and me!

and sister and her friends wanted to take these photos of shoulders super broad ... because at that time i was training intensively for swimming... 
and then the ladies of my family unite! mummy, junko, yuko and me!

then all of us here!

and then photos of brother and his gf... haah... she is a sweet gal!she looked gorgeous that night with a dress!

and then some stupid candid shots photo!yupyup... haha... this is cute!

and then me with Mummy... I love her !

and then a few more photos of my baby Junko and me and ...

and then the last photo... my sec 1 and 2 classmate... Gladys and me! haha... never met her for so long... then now realise she was part of the hip hop team in NUS... how i wished i was in Hip Hop in NUS too! can u ever imagine I used to be a chinese dance dancer as well as a Ballet dancer!